Players Profil at the bottom.
Titan Walking Football was founded by Phil Elcock and Kostis Kosmadakis in 2017.
The idea was proposed by Phil in response to a request from Kostis to find a way to create an interest among and to integrate people from abroad living in Kalives and Apokoronas in Titan football club.
At this time as far as we can currently ascertain it was then and remains today the only official Walking Football team in not just Crete but also Greece as we know. (Have searched and looked for, but can't find anyone else official online)
The club today has players from several nationalities notably England, Scotland, Greece, Norway, Sweden, Algeria, Australia, South Africa, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Wales, Italy, USA. There have been players from Finland, Holland, Spain, and Tunis ++ at our practises. So you can tell we are really a mulitnationale team. In our Players Profil (Below) you will see people from 13 different Nationalities.
Players are both permanent and part-time residents of the area and during holiday times we have additional visitors who are holidaying in the area.
Who can play? Well anybody! The game is aimed at men 50 years + and women 40 years + who are welcome to join us at our weekly sessions. You do not need to be a footballer, you can be kicking the ball for your very first time and still enjoy it.
Why play walking football? Research has shown that there are major health benefits both physically and mentally through regular exercise and social contact. We provide an opportunity to develop new friendships and a feeling of belonging.
A part of the local community. Whatelse have we done . Money raised has allowed the purchase of 2 defibrillators, one for the village and one for Titans.
Phil and Frode are hending over the defib to Dimitris (President Titan)
We have started and continue to update, develop and renovate the academy field and facilities and to assist the Titan`s club where and when required. We remain indebted to the local people and businesses in Kalives for supporting our efforts. WF helps out with food collection and other chores we are asked to participate in.
We also have regular social events and encourage all players, partners and supporters to attend.
2022 has seen us for the first time host two teams, on separate occasions, from abroad namely Polis and Latchi Lions from Cyprus and Sleaford Snails from England for games here in Kalives.
The slogan ‘Become one of us’ has been adopted and this should be easy for anyone to do. Just get in touch or turn up to one of our playing or social sessions whoever you are and wherever you are from and you will be well received by us all.
All are welcome to join us, but respect our rules and ethos, respect all people you meet here- players, partners, board ++ We are a social club where WF and social event count 50/50.
Are you 40+ (Women) / 50+ (Men) and want to have fun?